EssEnCon Projects

During its operation period EssEnCon was involved in numerous of Projects, as:

Technical Assistance to the GHA “ELPIS” – a general hospital in the center of Athens from 11/2019 to 6/2020.

Participation to a EU-Cohesion Supporting Fund project, called e-CODOMH, for the creation of the Cooperative Innovation Formation in the field of construction materials and constructions in the framework of the Action ''Collaborative Innovation Formations''

ESSENCON carried out integrated energy audits, according to the requirements of L.4342/2015, in:

Office buildings of three large insurance companies

Bank headquarter buildings and branches of two systemic Banks

Office buildings of multinational companies

Office buildings of a multinational pharmaceutical company

IT company office buildings

TV station offices and studios

Chain buildings of furniture and home equipment stores

Main offices of a gas distribution company, in Attica

Main building and branches of a primary care medical services group

Main national Road (motorway) installations

Metal sheet industry

Two tobacco processing industries

Milk processing coop industry

Seven Oil processing industries
